Important Reminders

Important reminder.... Homeowners responsibility....

    • Check/Change batteries for smoke and carbon monoxide detectors.

    • Replace old furnace filters if needed.

    • Have chimneys cleaned.

    • Cover outside water faucets to protect from freezing.

Preventing Freeze Damage / Broken Pipes

During the winter, it is important that residents take necessary precautions to prevent unit pipes from freezing. These precautions include the following:

Residents are responsible for turning off the water source to hose bibs (exterior faucet) and draining the line. If a hose bib freezes and breaks due to an owner's failure to winterize the unit, the unit owner will be responsible for repairs to the water lines and for any resultant damage. If your unit is occupied by a tenant or is vacant, you are still responsible for winterizing the hose bib. Most of the outside faucet shut-off valves are underneath the downstairs sinks. For the location of a unit's main water shut off valve, please see your Tanasbrook Association Handbook. If you are unable to locate either the hose bib shut off, or the main water shut off to your unit, please call the CMI office; it is important that you are aware of where these are located. Homeowners are also responsible for making sure the temperature inside their unit does not drop below 55 degrees, regardless if they are in residence or not. If you will be away from your unit for a substantial period of time during the winter, please make sure there is someone who can check upon the unit on a regular basis.

A heat source must be maintained in your unit at all times during winter months. All owners, whether resident or offsite, are responsible for ensuring that there is a heat source on in their unit. When the outside temperature dips below 32° a minimum interior temperature of 55° must be maintained to ensure the pipes do not freeze. If electricity to a unit has been disconnected and the Association deems it necessary to have it reconnected, all charges incurred will be charged to the unit owner's account. Please also be aware that utility pipes that service only one unit are the owners financial responsibility to repair. If you do not know where the water shut-off valve to your unit is, please locate it now. If pipes freeze and then break, you may need to shut off the water to your unit FAST. A chart of locations is in your Resident Handbook, and was reprinted in a recent newsletter. Call management if you are having trouble finding the shut-off.

Cover foundation vents to prevent cold air access to exposed pipes in unit crawl areas, and wrap all outside pipes and water faucets with insulating material or covers. Make sure that the area around your water heater is well insulated and all exposed pipes are wrapped and protected. The best approach is to wrap your pipes now, so that you are not caught unprepared. if you will not be using your hot water for an extended period of time, or if your unit is vacant, it is a good idea to turn off the hot water supply line at the source and drain your lines. When temperatures drop below freezing, Cupboard doors need to be left open (kitchen, bathroom, etc.) so pipes within these areas are exposed to the heat of your unit. Allow the faucets to drip. Flowing water is much less likely to freeze.

In Case Your Pipes Do Freeze...

    • DO use hairdryers, heat lamps, or electric heaters to thaw out the lines. This is the only safe way to thaw pipes without damaging them, or the rest of the building.

    • DO notify the management office. It might affect other residents also.

    • DON'T use an open flame or electric arc welders to thaw lines!

    • DON'T pound on the pipes! This could cause the line to crack, causing a real mess when the lines do thaw out.